‘Offline’ is currently the default which is explained in the source code:

“This is the scenario for the “offline” rollout. Firefox Suggest suggestions are enabled by default. Search strings and matching keywords are not included in related telemetry. The onboarding dialog is not shown.”

Switching to ‘online’ would trigger a dialog that comes up when you start the browser. Only clicking ‘Allow suggestions’ on the dialog would opt you into the search query collection.

    3 years ago

    Telemetry and Suggest are two completely separate things.

    The only different between “online” and “offline” is that in “offline” mode what you type in your URL bar is not included in the telemetry sent after you have selected a suggestion. But this changes absolutely nothing to what is sent to the Suggest API endpoint when you type in your URL bar.

    I’ve repeatedly provided clear evidence of what I said, you just keep mentioning a random code comment and interpreting it in a way which completely contradicts the actual code and what countless people have observed. So at the risk of repeating myself:

    • A code comment does not prove anything.
    • Your completely wrong interpretation of it even less so.
    • Link to code supporting your claims or GTFO.
    • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlOP
      3 years ago

      I linked the code and the comment. You are the one claiming opposite and wrong stuff that I cannot even quote from FF source code. You are the dishonest one here. You GTFO.