• Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I don’t understand why this is even a question. Is the tragedy of the commons not taught in american education? Is Land Clearance(one example of many linked) and Enclosure not taught? (Serious question open to anyone, I do not know what history is taught outside major european countries)

    This is essential basic history to understand how land developed from being a collectively worked upon thing, decentralised, owned by everybody that worked on it, into something that was owned by a tiny tiny number of people so that they could exploit it to the maximum degree.

    Decentralisation is the creation of a commons. The goal of corporations is centralisation of power and monopoly. They are at complete polar opposites in goals. The entire point of the fediverse in the first place is to destroy the centralised power of web corporations who took what was originally a digital commons populated by thousands of sites and communities and through a form of digital enclosure turned it into a space controlled by a handful of companies.

    Learn history other than the popular military shit folks. It is essential in analysing what affects you.

    • cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business
      1 year ago

      As a product of American eduation, I can say resolutely that no, that was absolutely not taught.

      Of course, this is partially because American education sucks and partially because we never HAD common land here: everything was privately owned, after it was stolen from the people who already lived here, and then most of it had people who had no say in the matter enslaved to work on it for the people who stole the land.

      Of course, this is ALSO not really taught, because it’d make people feel sad and make the US look kinda bad, so it’s always talked about but you get like, a week of coverage on both subjects, at most.

      • beerclue@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        It saddens me to hear that kids in the US don’t learn about the fuckups of their ancestors, as this might “upset” them. My kids here in Germany learn about the Holocaust and they take trips to concentration camps so they learn about the past. Not to guilt them or shame them, but to teach them, so history doesn’t repeat itself. (And we’re not even native Germans, we’re east European immigrants.)

        • acupofcoffee@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          The problem here is conservatives call learning about our past mistakes “woke” and do everything in their power to remove this curriculum from our schools. For some reason, they look at it as “trying to destroy our great nation and traditional values” instead of “learning from our past to be a better country going forward.”

          Except military, which they teach A LOT, we spent maybe 5 days on the crimes we committed against Native Americans, but an entire month or more on the Revolutionary War. Hell, we spent longer on learning about “world religions” than we did all our mistakes. Plus, any WW1/WW2 war crimes committed by our side is not taught whatsoever.

        • Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          It saddens me to hear that kids in the US don’t learn about the fuckups of their ancestors, as this might “upset” them.

          Nationalism is a disease.

        • cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business
          1 year ago

          I’m probably going to get mega canceled here but I think a good portion of it is that the Holocaust is history.

          A lot of what we don’t talk about is how we treated the Native Americans because we’re STILL shitting on them from on high. For example, the Dakota Access Pipeline is the same old shit, different century.

          Also talking about how we’ve treated people of color, and any discussion around chattel slavery, ends up being “uncomfortable” because an awful lot of people in this country don’t seem to see any problem with it and would be perfectly happy if we could toss out the civil rights acts and go back to having separate water fountains.

          TLDR: it’s ‘history’ in Germany because ya’ll arrest people giving nazi salutes, but in the US wearing a KKK robe is “free speech”.

      • JasonDJ@vlemmy.net
        1 year ago

        Agreed. American history is terribly white-washed.

        Basically some dudes came over from England, Indians cooked them corn and turkey and everyone was happy. A few years later their descendants got mad at England, dressed up as the Indians and threw tea off a boat. Some shots were fired but we settled down over a piece of paper that guarantees freedom and guns for all.

        Later you might learn that “all” means white land-owning males but eventually that got expanded and now we are al happy in the greatest country in the world (yes, that part is also taught), and every morning for 180 days of the year for 13 straight years we stand up and recite a poem about how much we love our country.

        Maybe it’s changing, idk. I graduated the public school system 20 years ago. My kindergartener came home a few months ago saying he watched a video on MLK Jr in his class where they talked about his assassination. I thought that was a bit dark to go to in kindergarten but at least it’s talked about, even somewhat.

      • KairuByte@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        It’s all but against the law in Florida (maybe other states as well?) to teach that aspect of history. Wouldn’t want the white kids to feel guilty for being white… because they know about things that happened in the past.

      • Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        The Tragedy of the Commons was a bullshit piece of justification for the enclosures written by racist colonial-minded eugenicists that resulted in the theft of land from the people and ultimate consolidation of that land as private property in the hands of the landowners. It argued that this was necessary because otherwise the hordes of drooling peasants would destroy it.

    • areyouevenreal@lemmy.fmhy.ml
      1 year ago

      The whole point of the tradgedy of the commons is that publically owned finite resources don’t work. You’ve completely misunderstood the point. If you’re following that logic then centralization, ownership, and control is the only answer.

      Of course none of that applies, because what is the finite resource here? Both Meta and the fediverse can co-exist without destroying each other for want of servers or network bandwidth. The only real finite resource here is human attention - in which case federating with meta should be a good thing. This is because it increases the amount of content available on both platforms with the less popular platform benefiting the most.

      • Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
        1 year ago


        They do not aim to coexist. They aim to enclose.

        This is incredible levels of naivity. Like, literally completely and totally oblivious to how profit seeking works and what behaviours it creates.

        And the tragedy of the commons was a crock of shit made by racist eugenicist colonial-minded fuckbags, that’s the entire point of teaching it, as a way of understanding the kind of utter bullshit that gets spread when landgrabbers(in the modern day the corporations) want to go grabbing. This is why education is important, without it people go reading a wiki article and come to these kinds of nonsensical conclusions.

        • areyouevenreal@lemmy.fmhy.ml
          1 year ago

          I didn’t read an article about it, I watched a YouTube video about it from a science and maths youtuber originally. You also didn’t elude to this in your first comment at all. I was actually going to reply to you telling you why it’s a bad concept once I learned it’s history.

          I also don’t get why your complaining to me about education. I don’t control what gets taught in the UK (my home country), I just work with what I have.

          I still don’t see how it applies to this situation in any way.

          Edit: also your username has Lenin in it. Are you a fucking tankie?

          • Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Define tankie for me? It’s somewhat lost all meaning given that the Ukrainian government is calling the US government tankies now. This is a serious question for the record, I can’t really say whether I am your definition of tankie or not without knowing it given that the definition seems to change for everyone.

            Also since this is going to be political and we both live in the same country (I moderate /r/greenandpleasant), did you vote Corbyn or are you a tory?

            I also don’t get why your complaining to me about education. I don’t control what gets taught in the UK (my home country), I just work with what I have.

            Enclosure of the commons is 100% taught in the UK at GCSE level as part of the curriculum: https://www.tutor2u.net/history/reference/enclosure-elizabethan-england

            • areyouevenreal@lemmy.fmhy.ml
              1 year ago

              Tankie is anyone that supports Lenin or anything more authoritarian marxist than that.

              I didn’t vote for Corbyn, because I wasn’t old enough to vote at the time. (Was there even a general election at that time? I don’t remember). It’s a stupid question to ask given he hasn’t been the leader of the labour party for years at this point.

              I have never voted conservative. I think I voted green in the last election I voted in but don’t remember. Didn’t get to vote in the last local one as I was busy and forgot.

              I never did history GCSE and I don’t think most people did. You have to choose between that and other options like Geography so not everyone will be taught it.

              • Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                So are you against the RMT railroad strikes because Mick Lynch publicly calls James Connolly his political hero and is an obvious marxist-leninist ?

                Are you against Jeremy Corbyn, because he defends the Soviet Union and always has, and because he also promotes the Black Panthers who defended north korea (if you look in the corner of the video around 2:00 there’s even a cute little soviet cccp statue).

                Are you against Diane Abbott, because she’s publicly defended Mao on national television.

                Are you against John Mcdonnell who has said his job is to overthrow capitalism on the BBC, probably because he’s quoted Mao and read his little red book in parliament?

                Are you against the Durham miners gala? Where they march with communist banners and have done so for 137 years?

                You have spent too much time in american anti-communist spaces where their brains are riddled with the historical legacy of two red scares, and you’ve spent absolutely zero time in British leftist spaces. You have riddled your mind with american brainworms against socialism and I implore you to join a union and actually go out and organise.

                • areyouevenreal@lemmy.fmhy.ml
                  1 year ago

                  u have spent too much time in american anti-communist spaces where their brains are riddled with the historical legacy of two red scares, and you’ve spent absolutely zero time in British leftist spaces. You have riddled your mind with american brainworms against socialism and I implore you to join a union and actually go out and organise.


                  Why on earth would you just assume something like that? That’s completely ridiculous.

                  I actually became disillusioned from MLs partly by joining a Trotskyist organisation founded in England. Specifically Socialist Appeal which are part of the IMT.

                  Note I originally said I dislike Lenin and people who came after that (mao, stalin, trotsky, etc.). This is because I have seen what they do to other Communists they disagree with, and what China still does to real Marxists and Anarchists. Lookup Kronstadt if you want an example.

                  MLs only care about their specific subset of Marixst ideology and if you disagree you are imprisoned or killed. That’s not communism, that’s a cult!

                  I would hope that people like Jeremy Corbin are just mislead on the behavior of some of these people, and aren’t up for a authoritarian “socialist” regime. Not that he is really relevant anymore anyway as I stated previously.

                  As for Marx I actually think he said some intelligent things for his time. That being said like his descendants he is too sectarian. I also think anarchists have some interesting ideas. That being said they all died long ago. I don’t think it’s healthy or progressive to hang on their every word as absolute truth - that’s called religion. Religion should have no place in politics.

                  • Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
                    1 year ago

                    I actually became disillusioned from MLs partly by joining a Trotskyist organisation founded in England. Specifically Socialist Appeal which are part of the IMT.

                    The jokers that don’t actually do any organising at all and do nothing but show up to everyone else’s events, put up their branding to make it look like they’re involved and sell papers? Those ones? The ones literally everyone in the UK left hates because they contribute absolutely fucking nothing while larping and piggybacking on actual organising others do?

                    Not surprised then.

                    Kinda bizarre for you to be a trot and hate Lenin though. Trots love Lenin. Trotskyism isn’t anti-authority either, in fact Trotsky’s book literally says he would have done everything the Soviet Union did do. Have you actually read any Trotsky?

                    they all died long ago

                    What? Anarchism is very alive in the UK they just don’t participate electorally.

                    MLs only care about their specific subset of Marixst ideology and if you disagree you are imprisoned or killed. That’s not communism, that’s a cult!

                    Uhh… You realise it was Trotsky that wiped out the anarchists in the Kronstady Rebellion right?

                    A lot of this sounds a lot like you’re making stuff up, only half know certain details, and are generally winging it through this conversation. It’s ok to say you don’t know something.

                    You didn’t actually answer my question about the demsocs above. Are they all tankies to you?