Maybe my opinion is biased. But in Russia where I was living until the beginning of 2022, only in Telegram you was able to find channels on independent media and bots, like “smart vote” (the project of russian opposition about coordinate voting against ruling party). And I understand that if opposition leader can easily create bot that would be very hard to block, then anyone, including spammer, can easily create such a bot that would be very hard to block. That is the reason why I still like Tg and thier approach to the business, when they allow almost everything to almost everyone on their platform.
Maybe my opinion is biased. But in Russia where I was living until the beginning of 2022, only in Telegram you was able to find channels on independent media and bots, like “smart vote” (the project of russian opposition about coordinate voting against ruling party). And I understand that if opposition leader can easily create bot that would be very hard to block, then anyone, including spammer, can easily create such a bot that would be very hard to block. That is the reason why I still like Tg and thier approach to the business, when they allow almost everything to almost everyone on their platform.