Incandescent light bulbs are officially banned in the U.S.::America’s ban on incandescent light bulbs, 16 years in the making, is finally a reality. Well, mostly.

  • Monkey With A
    1 year ago

    The second article gives some comparison to individual emissions. Another way to look at it though, if Jeff’s space trip to generate (to pull numbers out of the air) 1000x the average annual output of an individual then controlling a single point is going to be far more practical than attempting to get 1000 others to do what is needed to offset it PLUS whatever amounts needed to have a net reduction. There’s been a commonly floated stat that 100 companies are responsible for the majority of global emissions, getting those 100 to reduce their output by half is going to be a lot simpler and have a larger impact overall than to try and coordinate the 7B+ people on the planet.

    Doing your own actions sets a good example and is good practice, but a tiny dot in the global scale of things compared to things like travel and industrial output.

    To dispute to 100 entitites part, is above which seems viable too. On net though, to look at it in a simplified manner I’ve never launched a rocket to space, but for that to be offset would take the collective action of a sizable number of people.

      1 year ago

      Well, the sum of “things like travel and industrial output” (which are affected by individual actions) is enormous. Human emissions in total are, shockingly, the sum of all emissions caused by individuals. What I’m really getting at here is that we need to see something like a Gini coefficient, distribution breakdown, etc. of emissions across the entire population (globally would be informative, within more developed countries would also be informative). You look at people driving around megayachts and taking private jets everywhere, obviously as an individual their impact is a thousand times out of whack, but I’d be surprised if that amounts to more than a drop in the bucket unless you start expanding that category as wide as to include “car owners” and such.

      I bring it up because it seems like the kind of “I can’t do anything as an individual” line of reasoning I see so much seems to be really problematic and preventing these problems from actually being resolved.

      • Monkey With A
        1 year ago

        It’s not to say individuals can’t do anything collective action works in most any aspect of life. What the concern becomes is the fact the major populous needs to forgo so much just to make up for the activities of a few people too special to stand in line with the rest.

        A recent study here puts private flight as being somewhere around 10X more emissions costly in a per-person basis globally based on and more than 1000X less efficient that train travel where it available on the same distance. That just counting personal flight which may have some buisiness existing, though many could be forgone and done by a web confrence save for the ‘drinks amd golf’ aspect to those meetings, but large pleasure boats and non-comercial space flights are pure luxury expendatures that the world could do without. Still the larger populous is told we need to cut back while such things continues on.