Is this a thing because ive been trying to get into gamedev but i cant code at all and ive been trying for so long now but i just cant. I know theres godot but there visual scripting makes so sense and can be strange at times.

ive seen people create games with ai but i feel like that kinda ruins the point of gamedev. Im not even sure why i want to make a game but i just do for some reason.

by chance do you have any suggestions or things you would like to add.

    1 year ago

    It could be an XY problem, to make a game you would need a coding skills. I would consider joining a team in a game jam as an artist if you have 2d or 3d skills or as a sound guy if you like making music. A short deadline would make for lack of long term motivation. Other people would help you out in things where you lack necessary skills. Designing a board game could be a good alternative. If you like writing, making a gamebook would also be a possibility.