Kaltdunkeltrauerverzweifelungsvollraum. However, even Germans would not combine all this and say something like ein kalter, dunkler Raum voll Trauer und Verzweiflung.
If it’s just a compound noun it’s no fun, because it’s just a literal translation of those same words except there’s no spaces between the individual words in German
My bet would be on a European one, potentially German, where it would be 35 letters that look exactly like a cat barfed on the keyboard
Kaltdunkeltrauerverzweifelungsvollraum. However, even Germans would not combine all this and say something like ein kalter, dunkler Raum voll Trauer und Verzweiflung.
Fight me: Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz
Yes this is one word and it makes sense.
“Beef labeling monitoring task transfer act”
Excuse me??
I did not ask you to translate it! Now you openended Pandoras Büchse
The word and the law do exist. If it makes sense is debatable.
Using compound words is just cheating.
If it’s just a compound noun it’s no fun, because it’s just a literal translation of those same words except there’s no spaces between the individual words in German