I assume the figure was amortized across typical passenger loads. So if a bus typically carries 10 people, $10/mile to operate becomes $1/mile/passenger. I think that’s what Musk is quoting here. I don’t know where he gets that figure, but if it’s accurate (big doubt) and if he can beat it (again, big doubt), then that’s absolutely amazing!
I tried looking for figures, but most of the numbers I see are revenue per passenger, not operating cost per passenger. Revenue isn’t particularly interesting because so many transit systems heavily subsidize mass transit.
It would depend hugely on the bus, and the environment it’s working in, but $1 per mile sounds low, unless that doesn’t count labour.
Buses are actually quite expensive to operate, it’s cost effective because that cost is split between so many passengers.
I assume the figure was amortized across typical passenger loads. So if a bus typically carries 10 people, $10/mile to operate becomes $1/mile/passenger. I think that’s what Musk is quoting here. I don’t know where he gets that figure, but if it’s accurate (big doubt) and if he can beat it (again, big doubt), then that’s absolutely amazing!
I tried looking for figures, but most of the numbers I see are revenue per passenger, not operating cost per passenger. Revenue isn’t particularly interesting because so many transit systems heavily subsidize mass transit.