
My favorite pastime is learning.

If something is unconventional it’s typically better for it.

Music is crucial and experiencing it is mandatory - be it through listening or creating.

Reducing suffering is the best life goal I’ve come up with.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Öröm - 8

    Dark Ambient/Gothic Doom from Hungary. Incredible album with quite a unique ambience. Simultaneously melancholic and stoic. The textures between the chorused guitars, the synths with their emulated strings, brass, and piano, and the narrated vocal stylings vacillating between baritone spoken word and whispered rasps weave together an aural image of a remembered sorrow or a persistent longing for something always outside one’s grasp. Slow and entrancing in its approach, not shy of sparse arrangements and repetitive passages.

    It may suffer slightly from underproduction and less than perfect performances, but if you are so inclined you may find this to add to the character of the album. This was never destined for expensive studio time nor broad commercial appeal. This is niche music to fit the drear of the dark nights of a soul. A real gem for those receptive to its aesthetic.

  • Your post bolsters what I’ve taken away from the looking I’ve done so far. The feature set seems robust, to the point it’s recognizably intended to be the place to set up shop for a central experience amongst different platforms; hence the name I guess. That’s probably according to taste though as well. I never had a problem with the type of UX Facebook offered, but I got far away from all that long ago for all the obvious reasons.

    I didn’t know that creating an account allows for login access onto different instances, but I guess that makes sense and is probably required in order to setup your mirrored/synced account. I may be twisting that around into a way it doesn’t actually work, but I’ll figure it out. I think I’m going to set up an account between tonight and tomorrow.

    I saw that plugins were available. Curious to see how broad and varied the options are for these. I have to imagine there’s some good stuff developed that I’ll be pleasantly surprised to find.

    Thanks for the input!

  • This is good to know. As long as the use of the second server profile was temporary due to something like server downtime my understanding is that any activity taking place on the second profile would sync to the primary profile once it comes back online. So it may mean delayed receipt of any of this activity to anyone not connected through Hubzilla, but it’d get there eventually upon syncing? Is this correct?

    If the primary profile were to go down permanently though it sounds like it’d be a good idea to have a list of existing contacts backed up somewhere else to be able to duplicate on the secondary server profile if necessary.