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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I agree, I’m quite happy with Bazzite so far!

    For now, I’m going to stick to Steam games on Linux since I still have a 2TB Windows drive for my main games. My plan is to use Bazzite to get a feel for Linux and eventually move completely over from Windows once I’m more comfortable with the OS and know how to get everything I want up and running. I’m honestly having fun with being new to an OS with more options, I haven’t had to google such seemingly basic tasks for a computer since I was a kid.

    I’m using the KDE version of Bazzite and I’m really liking it. It reminds me of being a kid and exploring Windows 98 for the first time, everything is new and interesting, and searching through the menus to see all the different options brings back a certain nostalgia.

    I’d like to ask a few questions if anyone is willing to help me out :)

    My mouse is a Logitech G502 X+ and I don’t know what software to use to configure my mouse in Bazzite, what’s the Linux replacement for Logitech GHub? My mouse works perfectly but I don’t know what to use to customize the DPI for example.

    What’s the best practice for installing apps or programs outside of the built in “app store”? For example, I downloaded the Plex media server app as a .RPM file but I’m not quite sure how to install it. I already installed the Plex app through Bazzite OS’ default app store, but in Windows I needed the Plex media server app to be able to serve up videos to other people as far as I know. Makes me feel dumb, but I’m used to .EXE’s where it just installs itself. What do I do with a .RPM file? Or any other Linux programs downloaded from a website, like (I think?) tar.bz etc? I know how to access the files and extract them, but I’m not sure where to put the programs in general.

    Thanks for your useful information btw! It’s much appreciated!

  • I just installed bazzite on my 2nd SSD last night, haven’t used it much yet but I’m looking forward to customising it to my liking and getting a feel for the OS. First time using Linux since 2014 when I dabbled in Ubuntu and mint for a while.

    Any tips for a computer literate but relative newbie to bazzite(Linux in general really)? My pc is pretty much exclusively a gaming pc so thats my only real concern. About to download some games from my steam library to see how things go.

  • I’ve made it close to the end of Witcher 3 and loved every minute of it, I just got obsessed with factorio at the time and kinda stopped playing lol. Completely agree that the story is absolutely amazing in that game, the characters are awesome and even side quest stories are very well done, let alone the main quest stories.

    Automata is better than that IMO and that’s not a slight against Witcher, Nier is just that good when it comes to the story.

    It ran at a steady 60 FPS / 1080p / ultra settings for me on my ancient GTX 970 / i7 4790k when I first played it so the steam deck should be more than enough to play the game.

  • Yup agreed completely. Back in the early 2010s, when we went from 1GHz single core CPUs to 1.2GHz dual core CPUs while doubling the RAM, things were a lot more interesting cause you could actually feel the speed improvements between generations.

    These days even a budget phone is gonna be more than enough for browsing your social media of choice, texting, calling and doing the basics which is all I need my phone to do. I’m planning on keeping my Pixel 6 until it either can’t hold a charge for long enough or it gets to slow for my liking, whichever comes first.

    While my wallet is glad I don’t feel the need to upgrade so often, I do miss actually getting excited about the next generation of phones and looking forward to my next upgrade so I could marvel at the generational improvements.

  • Recently read the Mars trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson, and in those books an anti aging “vaccine” is made and shared freely for the citizens of Mars, but on Earth where the rich and powerful still control everything, its used as an incentive to come and work for the most powerful companies, or if you have the money then you can buy it.

    I literally hope such a thing is never invented, imagine if the Musk’s, Trump’s, Bezos’, and Putin’s of the world lived for hundreds of years instead of finally fucking dying at 90-100 at most.


  • “what’s the point of introducing new taxes against the rich? They’ll just find ways to avoid it so let’s just not do anything that might harm their profit margins or else it’ll make the poor even poorer”

    Then wtf is the solution? Everybody says this whenever higher taxes for corporations and the rich is brought up, that they’ll just find new ways to avoid touching their precious profits. Should everyone just collectively do nothing because “they’ll find ways to avoid it so why bother”

    This defeatist attitude pisses me off, something needs to be done to curb this bullshit. Literally no one needs or deserves hundreds of millions, let alone billions of dollars, and this cancerous “profits must go up every year or your company is a failure” needs to fucking die already. Why do companies making hundreds of millions to billions of dollars in profit need more fucking money? Why can’t being rich af and literally not being able to spend your net worth in a single lifetime be enough?

    We went from 1 salary at a factory being enough to raise a family, buy a house, buy a car, and go for a yearly vacation being normal to even 2 highly educated people working together and sharing expenses barely being able to afford a fucking house. Now the average person is expected to give a giant portion of their monthly earnings to pay off some parasitic landlords mortgage plus some profit for the “trouble” of being a fucking parasite.

    Eat the fucking rich. Enough is enough.

  • You’re not wrong but it’s also the people’s fault as well for engaging so much with this bullshit. I swear 90% of the internet exists simply to circle jerk about things people hate while the remaining 10% actually talks about things they like. I’ll never understand why people choose to talk so much about the things they hate, just fucking downvote and move on to something you actually like.

    All publicity is good for these pieces of shit, stop feeding into the rage cycle and they wouldn’t be covered so much. Or they’d have to pay more for their coverage at the very least.