Those are directories, not filesystems.
Those are directories, not filesystems.
Every version of Bluetooth since 1.0 has been a modified version of Bluetooth.
It’s an operating system. It’s not supposed to be noticed as good or bad. It should stay out of your way. If you ever notice it, it’s doing something wrong.
Much like a cat, if it fits, it sits.
If I’m reading that right, the decision was reversed by the 9th circuit.
The District Court originally dismissed the case, ruling that the security checks were made after the regular work shift and therefore not “an integral and indispensable part” of the job. The Ninth Circuit disagreed, ruling that the checks were necessary to the principal work of the job.[2][3]
Because disingenuously asking loaded questions (not saying this is one) has become a favorite tactic of conservatives and other trolls. It’s so common now that people automatically assume the questioner is acting in bad faith.
Sure they do. My current phone’s bump is completely leveled out by the case.
Or some troll decided it would be funny to report it.
They are going to pay those mods, right? Right?
Like, are we sure? Has someone actually checked?
How exactly would you break up search? You can’t really do it geographically like the Bells.
And the moderators
Have you considered that you could just be wrong, and that’s why you are getting down voted?
I saw a cyber truck in person for the first time this week. One thing I can say with certainty is that they are definitely NOT a truck company.
The “if you no longer need it” part doesn’t really suggest that you are expected to do it as part of normal operation.
LLM based AI was a fun toy when it first broke. Everyone was curious and wanted to play with it, which made it seem super popular. Now that the novelty has worn off, most people are bored and unimpressed with it. The problem is that the tech bros invested so much money in it and they are unwilling to take the loss. They are trying to force it so that they can say they didn’t waste their money.
6 seconds?! GASP
They are perfectly free to do that. They just have to resubscribe from their new home country at the new rate. Just like with telephone service or cable tv. It’s not like they will get in trouble or would be prevented from moving.
And If they label the pedal “stop” and it doesn’t actually stop the car?
That’s still too lossey. I prefer to hire the band to follow me around for the day. It’s the only true way.