• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • The problem here isn’t talking to Meta or Meta making a federated platform.

    Nobody can prevent Meta from doing that anyway.

    The problem is the need to push against the insistence of Meta to keep these meetings off the record. It’s against the entire philosophy of something like not only fediverse but FOSS in general.

    If Meta wants good faith, they have to show it first.

    Notice that in the email, Kev gives his guidance as to the matter. Do whatever the fuck you want as long as you put people first and make a product for the purpose of serving them.

    This should be the attitude everyone should have first.

    We will accept you as long as you’re bringing value to us, not the other way round, got that Meta?

    As long as any dev is taking this approach, Meta included, I’m supporting them. If someone is secretive about their intentions about a public service which is not a for profit endeavor inherently, I’ll have a hard pass too.

  • This understanding is much more easily achieved after one’s familiar with the basics of their own instance though, isn’t it? Rather than expecting them to imagine the exact user experience of the fediverse before they even made their account, would we not be better off introducing them to a cold open and be helpful later when they have questions?

    All of these problems are caused by the same underlying system and trying to explain the system to non-users is the exact wrong way to go about alleviating them. Better interface and UX design is the only thing which can solve this issue.