Hard work won’t kill you, but Y take the chance?

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • “And you know what else I don’t like? The Moon! Why does it have to chase the Sun away? Every day? It’s like clockwork! I mean, you could maybe probably set your clock to it. I wouldn’t. But maybe more dumber people. They might do it. And another thing, sometimes I don’t want to go to sleep yet! But no…we gotta have the moon. Gotta have it. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just have the sun? I mean I have a great tan. You could say I have the best tan. People love it. I have the best tan. I look great. I feel great. I’ve never felt better. I might live forever, doctors say. I think I might be aging in reverse. You know, that Benjamin Bratt disease. Boy, wasn’t he great for inventing the dollar bill and kites? Love kites…they’re great. Dykes, not so much! And we love the wind, don’t we? Kites and dykes, both love wind. Can’t fly the kites without the wind, right? And you know the climate is doing so great now. We have the wind. The water, the fire, the earth. It’s amazing, I tell ya. What was the question again? Yea, I slept ok.”

  • I browsed around it for a good 20 minutes or so. My initial knee-jerk reaction is that I would not want to join a community with no ability to create or join specific areas that could be narrowed down to more specific topics. “Gaming” for example (and as someone else already mentioned), has to be video games, of all forms (retro, console, computer, homebrew, hacks - from all years) alongside board games, card games, browser games, children’s games, educational games, physical toys, etc. It’s a mess, to me at least. There aren’t even that many categories.

    It is also very sterile-feeling. I appreciate a good old-fashioned text wall, but no options for background and text colors even? (Maybe that is an option if you are able to log into the site)

  • Even if everything you have said in this post is 100% true (and in my opinion, it is not), then the good news is that both Lemmy and kbin (and really most federated spaces I’ve joined) have excellent blocking tools. Block freely, block safely, block often if these other posts are bothering you.

    I quickly looked at your kbin account, and it seems like every post you’ve made so far has to do with social networks and apps and people being mean. I know it sucks that you’ve just lost a very large community, but trust me, just let it go and you will be happier.

    I have no way to know if you’ll do this, but just as an experiment: next time you see a post here that you think either comes from or belongs to The Old Place, block it immediately, and then open up Magazines (or channels if you’re in Lemmy) and pick a topic that normally would not interest you at all. Birds, movies, books, architecture, science, stamps, etc. Browse that for a few minutes and try to involve yourself in one topic. Just one. Even if you know nothing about it, ask an insightful question. It doesn’t really matter if you get any response at all or not.

    Do that a handful of times every time you see something you do not like here. I’d be curious if it helps you (or anyone else that tries this) in any way. I have done this myself, and it has helped me, but that doesn’t prove anything.