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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • That’s for sure. It’s crazy how stale the options have become. After Covid, they all cut menu options and choices to as minimum as possible, and anything new that they add is almost always just something that already exists but put together differently. I’m guessing it costs too much money to actually create something new, have it tested, and figure out logistics to purchase these new items for it to be worth the gamble of being a success or a complete failure.

  • I have been watching him for years. Love the reviews. I have to say lately he seems very angry. The titles reflect how disappointed he is before ever getting to the food. It’s great to have a negative review, but I really don’t like the titles reflecting that. I hope it’s just because fast food has sucked but lately somehow gotten even worse, and not just him following youtube trends to gain more clicks.

  • My kid has come across his videos several times, the algorithm absolutely pushes his stuff to kids. I haven’t known about him for very long, but he does create some interesting videos. Never watched any that were giveaways or stuff but I have seen some of the contest and destination ones. They were obviously edited videos, but it’s a shame to also hear the games and people used are all setup as well. Guess we’re about to add another horrible YT personality to the canceled list?

  • I am thrilled right now that our company only started relying on cloud resources a few years ago and still don’t use services like this… I hope this is a wake-up call to them, so we never use something like this. I know the execs finally realized the cloud is not cost effective, and I hope we keep it a mixed bag instead of going in fully. I have been in IT for 18 years now, and thankfully, I have never had to deal with a disaster like this. Another close call was outsourcing our IT service desk to a company, and they wanted us to put agents on our pc’s so they could do their job easier. Luckily, our network team said absolutely not. Sure enough, that same year at Christmas time, they got hit with a crypto attack, and instead of having to deal with the agents, we just shut down the tunnel, and we’re fine. A lot of their clients were not so lucky. Screw the cloud and 3rd party services… it doesn’t save what you think, and you get poor services in return a lot of the time.

  • I am 40 and never had a phone bill to date! When I started working in a real job I was 22 and at that time cell phones were still not 100% a necessity. My job gave us a blackberry so I never had to worry. Crazy enough, I’ve been with this job for 18 years now and the job doesn’t seem very secure these days so I opted to purchase a phone directly. I traded in my old work phone for a new Samsung and got a top of the line for like $400. I signed up for Google voice and got a free number and use my work phones hot spot if I go out to use it just as any other phone for the last 3 years now. Only issue I have is hot spot is battery intensive, and some accounts don’t allow mfa with free voip numbers but whatever, free is awesome.

  • I have a library that’s been growing for about 20 years now. I don’t think I got too serious until around 2009, which is when I discovered music servers to host my library and quickly realized how bad its structure was. It took years of me getting folders done correctly followed by then working on tags. Automation scared me to much since the results were not always 100%. Once it was done I have kept a system to keep it that way the best I can.

    So for me once I get new content I use the app tagscanner to edit everything to the way I like, then I drop them into music Picard were I found a tutorial online a few years ago to set it up to just edit music genres. I found the one thing I never got right was music genres so finding this tool was incredible. Took months to run large sections of the library though. Now I got every track labeled with up to 5 genre tags. Once that is done I change folder names to what I want, drop them into my music directory folder which is root > artist > album (don’t care about year since it’s tagged). Scan music into my musicbee app and if any are missing covers I right click and tell it to find them. Then do a scan with navidrome to add it all there.