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Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Dirty production initiates based on demand. So-called “peaker plants” start up under high demand when cost per megawatt rises. They typically start early in the day as most people wake up and cook breakfast and get ready for work and then shut down after people get home and wind down for bed. More extreme versions of this only fire up for more extreme weather events or when other plants trip offline unexpectedly. If demand is normalized, so too is production, which would phase out dirtier power production like coal and natural gas. As an operator at a combined cycle natural gas power plant, this would force me to find a new job. Which is fine by me. The system needs to be changed to be fixed, even if it causes a little pain for me.

    Think of the grid as a pressurized system. To maintain consistent pressure, demand and supply need to be approximately equivalent. When use is high, the pressure drops so demand goes up to maintain that pressure, so prices per megawatt rise to incentivize power plants to step on the gas pedal to produce more. When use drops off, that production needs to reduce to prevent over pressurization of the grid. With battery storage, that pressure swing diminishes. It’s effectively a pressure regulator.

    Additionally, the home power management system via UPS and inverters does exactly what you’re saying in terms of using it when it’s available. At times of high demand and high cost and low supply, your home could seamlessly switch over to your home battery supply for your energy needs to remove strain on the grid, and this would be attractive to set up through things like proposed tax credits and generally reducing your home energy bill. So at 3pm in an August heat wave, your AC could be battery powered from when you charged while you slept the night before. And you’ll recharge tonight when everybody’s AC has switched off for the most part. All this to say: you’re absolutely right and we already agree, but also we can use emerging tech and legislation to vastly expedite this badly-needed transition.

  • there’s not enough lithium

    I am hopeful that developments in sodium ion battery tech will yield different strategies. The weight and energy densities vs cost and abundance mean that it makes more sense (at this time at least) to reserve lithium ion battery tech for more mobile use cases like handheld devices and EVs, but use sodium ion battery tech for things like grid storage or home energy management solutions. I dream of a day in the next decade or two in which virtually nobody bothers to have a generator for emergency home power and instead opts for a UPS with inverters and chargers hooked up to a home battery, allowing not only emergency power, but a “smart” system to power the home via battery during high grid demand and charge during low demand, normalizing grid supply curves and making power bills cheaper for all. The path to this starts with big scale early adopters like hotels and apartment buildings, which could easily supplement energy needs through solar panels on their large roofs at the same time.

    For all the enshittification we’re seeing across most industries, I am cautiously optimistic that we might be living at the edge of an energy revolution. We may see fucking huge fundamental changes to our energy infrastructure within our lifetimes, and that’s one of the few things I’m excited about for the near future. It’s unfortunate that it’s taking a crisis to force these changes, but it would be a great pivot nonetheless.

  • It’s barely more work than just clicking “Not interested.” though. Just click “tell us why” and “I’ve already watched this video” and it knows that you didn’t dislike it. Trust me, I’ve been doing this for a while now and it still properly recommends videos. It just cleans up your recommended queue because it knows that you’ve already watched those ones in particular. I’ve watched a lot of music deep dive content this way because the ads stupidly will interrupt at the worst moments and ruin the flow, but that kind of content still shows up on my feed all the time.

  • I’m not tempted to sign up for something if I don’t even know what the features are. Maybe some of their dumbass ads should be for their own fucking product lol. I assumed that it was free from ads, and I think you can download videos and play with your screen off on your phone? Idk, Vanced has been great for me on my phone. And I wouldn’t have bothered to get that set up in the first place if the ads and lack of features weren’t so disruptively intrusive. If they find a way to shut down every way of getting around their overreaching bullshit, I’ll opt to fund a few respectable creators directly rather than pay for the platform.

    And I wouldn’t want to bother building a queue in the first place unless it were in order to manage ad breaks. Putting that behind a paywall defeats the purpose of what I’m proposing. You can already build playlists all day long.

  • Pro tip: open YouTube in Chrome, signed into your YouTube account. Allow the algorithm and your subs to continue recommending videos. Find one you wanna see. Copy link address. Paste it into Firefox with adblock, not signed into Google/YouTube. Prosper.

    Just watched a YouTube video on my PS5 earlier today while cooking a food and saw for the first time that they will shoot an ad with a “next” button that skips to another ad, and then there’s a “skip” button countdown. Ridiculous. I wouldn’t bother with adblock if the ads were reasonable.

    Here’s a free idea, YouTube: build in the ability to add videos to a simple temporary queue and then only put ads in at the very start or very end of videos so they aren’t intrusive.

  • If things would stop getting shittier, then yes. I’m not entirely sure that it applies here so I understand your annoyance, but you’re seeing “enshittification” everywhere because we’re seeing the practice of enshittification everywhere. I applaud it being called out. We shouldn’t be seeing higher prices for worse experiences, but that’s the current trend. If you’re tired of seeing the word, then it’d probably be a good idea to take a break from c/technology because I don’t think it’s stopping any time soon.

  • he has a highschool masturbation related injury that causes one of his arms to constantly ache

    Source? I’ve never heard of this (never cared much about him or Twitter) and tried to look it up, but I’m not seeing it anywhere.

    I don’t understand how anybody can do something for a while, make millions or even billions off of doing that thing, and then they try to do other things to make more money and stay in the public eye. Just buy an island and fuck off for your remaining decades of retired decadence. What more could you want?

  • The answer is actually pretty simple. Musk is a man child who doesn’t like criticism. He lives in a bubble. He fires people who disagree with him and listens to anybody who fawns over him. He appeals to the loudest ones he allows himself to hear. That’s why he made that dumbass truck. There’s not actually many people who want that hideous, broken monstrosity, but his worshippers shouted that they wanted a truck.

    He’s also scrambling to get money coming in. Twitter is falling apart. People are starting to wake up and realize that he’s nothing more than a lucky nepo dipshit. To soften his losses, he’s doing a shitload of layoffs and cutting corners wherever he can. Quality is dropping on his products that already had quality issues. Brand recognition and reputation will start to be a net negative factor as a result.

    If he wants to turn Tesla around, musk needs to pivot to producing tech for other car companies and stop making cars themselves.

  • I mostly agree, except that I’m here because I left reddit. I can’t speak for anybody else, but you can see my history here and compare it to my history there. It’s been almost a year now and I’m not going back.

    I’d like to think that enough people will get pissed off enough to make real change happen, but people think they have too much to lose and don’t see how much they have to gain. In general, I mean. Windows doesn’t really fucking matter lol. Netflix doesn’t really fucking matter. The realistic course of action is to just vote with our wallets and hope that discourages overly shitty practices from these companies.

  • I don’t disagree with your point, but I think that the most important variable is how receptive the average person is to change. It takes a lot of discomfort for most people to want to make a significant change. Most people probably won’t even recognize that Windows sucks because it’s what they’re familiar with and they probably attribute general tech improvements and new software with the OS because they don’t know any better. So they see it as better in a lot of ways and only worse in a couple of ways. They probably also generally think that the only alternative is an overpriced Apple product. It wasn’t until YouTube started cracking down on ad blockers that most people were even aware of the existence of ad blockers lmao. So I’m sure your average Windows user thinks that Linux means programming gobbledygook in cmd.exe and they would rather scroll Facebook. People are dumb and uninterested in the discomfort of learning things. Even if what they’re learning is that there’s not much discomfort because there’s not much new to learn. You have to trick them by sneaking vegetables into their food. “You have a Samsung phone. That runs Android. Android is Linux. See, you’re already using it.” It’s a fucking shock to me that Windows phones never took off.

    But maybe the most important factor to Microsoft is the business world. It’s obviously not unanimous, but a shitload of companies rely on the Office suite. Switching to something different overnight might be easy for some workers, but I’d assume a massive disruption in productivity until everybody got acclimated. There would probably need to be some kind of canned training thing to help workers with the transition, which would cost more money. In general, companies would run a cost-benefit analysis and ultimately decide that it really doesn’t make much business sense to make that change when things are fine as is. Because in reality, Windows is fine. It’s not bad enough for a business to burden a rocky quarter just because of some ads and a little jank.

    The bad news for Microsoft however is that privacy and security could be getting called into question. Some businesses here and there might get worried about that, but it’s the big Department of Defense fish that will drop them overnight because it’s a matter of national security. In the same way that government devices banned tiktok years before considering a nationwide ban, government devices would not hesitate to dump Microsoft. Their greed could be their downfall. They’re okay so long as the government and their big contractors keep running Windows.

  • This was my general takeaway. My laptop is showing it’s 9ish year old age considerably. I picked up a used Steam Deck and I actually love everything about it except that it’s really not powerful enough to replace my laptop. I’m interested in building a desktop, and SteamOS taught me that modern Linux is not super complicated, and now I know that it’s not a huge pain in the ass to troubleshoot because the community isn’t nearly as toxic as I was expecting. So unless I learn of an even better distro for general use, gaming, streaming, audio recording, and video editing, all for somebody who is experienced with Windows and not much else, I’m leaning towards Nobara.

    The only real hurdle I have is that it’s hard to justify dumping like $1200-1500 on a computer when I already have a PS5, Steam Deck, and gaming laptop. I really don’t need it.

  • You’re definitely right. Facebook got super shitty and most people didn’t leave. Netflix got super shitty and most people didn’t leave. YouTube got super shitty and most people didn’t leave. Amazon’s shitty video service got even more shitty, but Fallout was about to come out, so most people didn’t leave and I bet they actually got more subscribers (but idc enough to look it up). It seems like most people have accepted that things just get shitty over time. Or maybe they’re just not noticing the shitty changes? Idk. It’s hard to look at our projected trajectory as a species and be left with much hope. There’s good in this world, but it seems like none of it is coming from companies.