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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Nope. The idea in no till is just adding stuff to the top and letting worms and roots handle the tilling.

    I’ve had good luck just dumping a foot or two of finished compost on the ground and growing in it.

    Another solid no-till approach is sheet mulching. You put down a layer of cardboard (to kill weeds), then layers of carbon and nitrogen like straw and kitchen scraps. Wait a few months, then plant. So you could do that in the late summer or fall to prepare a site for spring planting.

    A lot of these things depend on location, though. Something that works great in Pennsylvania might not work as well in Utah.

  • Colloquially, accidents are random events without intention or fault.

    That’s why there’s a push to use neutral terms like “crash” that don’t imply that the “accident” was just a random accidental mistake.

    And fault is often a bit of a misnomer. Many crashes are the result of bad design, but the courts would never say “this pedestrian fatality here is 40% the fault of whichever insane engineer put the library parking lot across a 4-lane road from the library but refused to put a crosswalk there or implement any sort of traffic calming because that would inconvenience drivers”.