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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


    As people have already noted, the $20-$25 shows were different than a modern arena show, I saw Soundgarden with Voivod for $25ish at a local outdoor small venue in the 1990s, and have seen other acts there recently for between $50-$75 (the Alabama Shakes, Cimafunk), that seems like normal inflation.

    Arena shows I honestly don’t remember what we paid for tickets to see big bands, but I sure remember general admission, running to get to the front, not being able to move once there, and the random groping that always happened. I don’t go much to big shows now (or even back then) and have never been to a stadium show.

    I don’t think it’s unreasonable for artists to make money on performance, rather than on sales of recorded music. Not sure what the value of a show like that is, but probably more than it was back when tours were done to promote album sales.

  • We actually pay for all our kids’ phone service because T-Mo let us add them for $10/month each line. If they raise it 5 per line it will add quite a bit but I think I’d just ask the kids to pay their $15 a month then, or spin them off if they prefer, and save money overall, T-Mobile has already saved us thousands of dollars over the years, improving service without raising the price so they have a little bit of loyalty from me. It may get shitty from now but it’s been a good run for 15 years at least.

  • I moved over from Play Music, and if they had a music- only cheaper option that’s what I personally want, but the rest of the family does use YouTube for other stuff, and only the penultimate child is into sailing the seas of content. Per user price is not bad considering how much music we listen to.

    I am honestly less mad about the price and more still mad that they shut down the best music streaming app (best recommend algorithm, the glorious “playing near you” function that was able to find bands I would like but had not heard and only within a few miles of home, the way it would adjust the music for morning, night, weekend, it was so good) and pushed everyone onto the YouTube Music before it was ready. It’s OK now but it’s been years and no way is it as good as Play Music was.

  • I’m GenX and since computers used to need more work, and my career followed the rise of computer software, I like messing with it. I am still often tech support for my millennial age kids, but the younger set (high school and college now) are outpacing me, especially the 19 year old. I maintain the home network but the 19 year old sails the seas for content, never needs my help with anything tech related, and can often help her older sisters with their questions now.

    I would say the difference between us is that the younger ones seem to believe everything will work by itself, I believe most things can be fixed (and am delighted when it just works), the middle ones do not believe either of those things.