Oh no people on a site that’ll be dead within a year or two don’t like me however will I live? God you terminally online people never cease to amaze me. I can’t imagine living life as you, it must be depressing as hell.
Oh no people on a site that’ll be dead within a year or two don’t like me however will I live? God you terminally online people never cease to amaze me. I can’t imagine living life as you, it must be depressing as hell.
Its instance has less than 100 users, less than 100 posts, and less than 100 comments. I think I’m fine not being able to interact on an already dead instance, and do you think I care about fake internet points on a project that’ll die out within a few years just like all other Reddit clones? Try touching some grass instead of gaining your value from a number on a screen, or you can provide at least some value to the world by killing yourself, and make sure you livestream it to add entertainment value to it.
Mmmm toxic sludge, keep it coming Redditor. Vent it allll out.
You can take the Redditor off of Reddit, but you can’t take the Reddit out of the Redditor. How long until you AHS shitheads start spamming CSEM to instances you don’t like to get their hosting provider to take them down?
Oh no whatever will I do without being able to interact with your shitty instance that’ll be gone within a year?
Someone’s angry. Have you tried stepping in front of a speeding train?
Lol caring about fake internet points is peak Reddit. Oh, and wow 13 comments and -14 hurr hurr ur internet number is negative too.
Are the “nazis, alt-right, conservatives, etc” in the room with us now? Lol, go back to Reddit.
Lol from the person bringing up culture war talking points like MUH TWANNSSSS. Also, a TOS-pass is used to describe when the TOS does not apply to you. You’re basically free to violate TOS without repercussions which is something I’d presume a Reddit refugee would be familiar with. Something I bet even you utilized on Reddit.
What’s with the attempted gaslighting? Also are you saying that mass death doesn’t anger you even in the slightest? Or is it that you’re ok with mass death committed by your side?
Yeah the left doesn’t have any room to talk, at all:
Many such regimes which were also oppressive of the poor, foreign, ethnic minorities, and neurodivergent. I am sure you will simp for and/or deny every single one of them, though, as you leftists always do.
The left will never be deserving of the benefits of the contract, they’ve killed more people in the 20th century than all forms of cancer, many major diseases, smoking (bundled into the cancer point somewhat), all forms of accidents, etc
deleted by creator
So you liked him when he agreed with your politics, and now that he took away your safe space to shit on certain demographics scot-free suddenly he’s bad.
I don’t see many of the main powermods giving up their fake internet power, they’ll kowtow.
No, this is not your personal experiences, that’s the nostalgia blinders yet again as if you couldn’t prove my point any more. I am actually old enough to have had a 3310 and they exploded at the slightest drop. Sure, you could put it back together and it’d work, until it didn’t.
Cybernetic enhancements, yes Cyberpunk 2077 style.
bEiNg pEdAnTiC WoN’T SaVe yOu hErE.
You can take the Redditor off of Reddit, but you cannot take the Reddit out of the Redditor. Holy fuck the arrogance, you should go back to Reddit.
Does not make it ethical, though. I hope he doesn’t pay because I imagine DMs between admins and powermods are included in this data pack, and oh boy if those do get leaked it’s not going to look good for either side.
Crypto advocates always were libertarians. “The left” as a collective ideology were always against crypto since its inception.
Funny because I could have sworn that ackshully the left are the real libertarians and libleft is the only legitimate form of libertarianism. So are you saying that libleft doesn’t exist, because in that case I would agree.
Wow do tell me more about my life. I love seeing the things you project onto others.