Visiting the corpse of Twitter was your first mistake
Visiting the corpse of Twitter was your first mistake
Taking lessons from Elon.
Wasn’t Huffman singing Elon’s praises after the Twitter purchase?
If scrapers have anything to do with the decision, I’d guess its not so much “stop” as it is “make them pay to scrape”. However I’d guess this is just Huffman trying to squeeze more money out of Reddit.
I’d describe the Vegas loop as two, one lane tunnels rather than a two lane road. It’s a minor but important distinction, two lane roads have a lot of extra room to maneuver, while the Vegas loop will probably get very entertaining if one of those Teslas break down, especially if say… one catches fire.
Of course, what will be really fun if there’s a mid tunnel fire is that the ventilation system is just “blow air from one station to the next.” So one station has to get burning fumes and heat of a burning car… as well as everyone in the tunnel downwind of the fire.
I can see! Man could you imagine spending a full twenty hours a week socializing with your peers, traveling, or (*gasp*) even exercising!? Why, I’d barely be able to hold it together for my daily hour long “Business meal”!
God knows I’d never be able to soldier through like Musk, constantly promising things like “Mars colony in two years” every year (among other things)while still having the time to spend hours posting “!!” “Concerning” or “XD XD XD” until 3 am on Twitter. Why I probably wouldn’t even have the time to signal boost white supremacists and post dog whistles about we need more babies to stave off “the great replacement”.
Well, so do I. I’d be so god damned motivated for 46 billion.
The corners are insanely dangerous IMO. You’ve got basically a sheet of metal along the edge of the truck which sticks out a bit. Relevant bit from a Youtube video
Blood letting can actually be healthy in many American males, since often they have a overabundance of iron. Thus we must conclude the Elon Musk Supergenious has used Grok AI to let the Cybertruck analyze their owners through the autodrive cameras and automatically bleed them if they have a overabundance of iron. Tesla continues to innovate and in fact probably saved this mans life!
Move fast and break people.
Windows 10 is pretty crappy but tolerable, everything I’ve seen about 11 suggests it’s a utter shit show.
Amusingly Grok also spat a headline about how police were being deployed to shoot the earthquake after being exposed to a sarcastic tweet.
I can’t remember where I read it but someone said “LLM’s provide three types of answer: so vague as to be useless, directly plagiarized from a source and reworded, or flat out wrong but confidently stated as the truth.” I’m probably butchering the quote, but that was the gist of it.
I mean… I don’t expect them to scrap GMail, but their reassurance means nothing. IIRC they said the same thing about Stadia.
And some upper manager probably got a bonus bigger than what I’ll earn in a decade for this rebranding.
I think he was trying to get out of Twitter and wanted to do a real life version of his Dogecoin pump and dumps. You know, talk a big game, hype up how the stock is gonna go to the moon after he brings his genius to bare on the company, then dump the stock and pull out of the deal. However, during the hype phase he managed to say some legally binding things and suddenly found himself forced to honor what he thought was going to be empty hype.
SAP shares jumped more than 9% on Wednesday and hit record levels after the software giant announced restructuring plans affecting thousands of jobs, as the company prepares for generative AI to fundamentally change its business.
Mention buzzword -> get money.
I wish I had a job that easy.
Considering what we’ve decided to call AI can’t actually make decisions, that’s a no-brainer.
Okay… so honest question: how long did it take for you to close the linked video?
In my case it was about 45 seconds. The weird hands/body language creeped me out and when combined with the synthetic voices I just couldn’t take it.
That’s… computer generated. BeamNG maybe?
Spez is a pretty standard tech bro, so of course he wants to jam “AI” into everything he can.