This is true for part time or casual use but for all day work use including travel you get better build quality and far less problems with a pro grade machine. We spend the same on a macbook, thinkpad, surface or probook for our basic full time users.
While it may be a bit overkill for someone who spends their day in word, excel, chrome and zoom we save money in the long term due to reliability. There is far less downtime and IT time spent on each user over the life of the system (3-4 years). The same is true about higher quality computer accessories.
Food prices have been high for a while and it’s probably tough for donations. We are looking at a 30% higher cost of groceries compared to 5 years ago with some items up to 50%. I think the main reason for the cost is corporate greed. If you have an Aldi nearby it’s probably the best place to shop on a budget.