• 200 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • TehBamski@lemmy.worldOPtoADHD@lemmy.worldWhat's your job?
    1 month ago

    Also, they needed someone nerdy enough to run their scheduling software, but not nerdy enough to expect an IT professional’s wage. 😂

    LOL. Sounds like you were a great fit for the job and team.

    I’m always surprised when I hear about/from people who were able to stick it out at a job for over 10 years. It’s a weakness of mine, that I can’t seem to stick with a job for more than 8 months. All sorts of things make it difficult to stick around for me. Depression tends to be the downfall of the job for me. I’ve been able to find a great blend of anti-depressants and minor anti-anxiety meds that work for me. Took me years to get here though. But not to make it about me, there’s room for improvements and I’ve had some over the years. Still going at it. Slow and steady I guess.

    So what aspects of your job position do you like the most?

  • TehBamski@lemmy.worldOPtoADHD@lemmy.worldWhat's your job?
    1 month ago

    Oh man, that’s a wide variety of things to make. That’s cool.

    I used to work in a shop with CNC machinists. I remember asking one of them one day what they liked about it. And I got an interesting reply from one of them. He said, “I like how I can make just about everything you would ever need. I just need the raw materials, my machine, and a few tools to measure. And a trusty hammer for when you need to… encourage something.”

    I think it was the dude next to him, who made the point that there are so many different metal pieces that you don’t realize are around you when you walk into a building in general. All of them had to be made somehow and a lot of them are small or tiny pieces of components for something larger.

    That really opened my eyes to the world around me. I started to look at things differently from then on.

    So hats off to all of the machinists out there. We sure as hell couldn’t have the world like we do without you.

  • TehBamski@lemmy.worldOPtoADHD@lemmy.worldWhat's your job?
    1 month ago

    Wow, this sounds rad as a job and career.

    How much has the tech in your field changed since you started?

    Also, would you mind giving an example of what kind of R&D you do? Like where is the industry needing to head towards and what kind of things are you working towards.

  • TehBamski@lemmy.worldOPtoADHD@lemmy.worldWhat's your job?
    1 month ago

    Thanks for asking.

    My strengths lay in a love of knowledge, analytics, and my inquisitive mind. I love to see how things are connected to one another and how the system(s) is laid out. I’m often a big picture kinda guy. And have a desire to help others out when I can. Something I learned about myself about a decade ago, was that I can genuinely feel excited for others when they do well. Which is kind of a hack when you’re diagnosed with depression, and perhaps for my anxiety.

    Digital marketing checks off all of those things. There is always something to be learned or improved, Google’s search ranking criteria are changed a few times a year, so there seems to never be a dull moment in the field. And just like IT or programming, being specialized in a few things is great. So I’m looking to become an expert in SEO, Local SEO, keyword/phrase ranking, and backlink generation.

    The selfish part is that I realized that nearly all of the digital marketing things were things that I would benefit from knowing since I desire to start my company sometime soon. It also benefits my plan to be able to make a few hundred dollars a month through online sales of items.

  • TehBamski@lemmy.worldOPtoADHD@lemmy.worldWhat's your job?
    1 month ago

    Holy moly. I fantasized about working that job many years ago. From what I gathered from job research sites, it takes many years of college to get into it. That’s just not a path I can take as the way I learn isn’t very cohesive with textbook learning, lecture note taking, and the like.

    Am I wrong about this?

    And how did you get started?

  • TehBamski@lemmy.worldOPtoADHD@lemmy.worldWhat's your job?
    1 month ago

    I always wondered how many packaging engineers were out there in the world. Haha.

    Have you heard much about mycelium packaging and or plastics before?

    I’ve been wondering when more common products are going to start to be shipped in such a thing, instead of one use plastics and packaging.