
  • 59 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Since most people are talking about the sign-up barriers, I’ll mention culture and reputation.

    I love Lemmy and Mastodon, but whenever I’ve seen the fediverse brought up elsewhere, someone inevitably shuts down any curiosity by suggesting that it’s a political echo-chamber. I don’t think that’s accurate for all of it, but if that reputation is out there, we probably need to make an effort to show that there’s a broader appeal. If the average person is expecting the fediverse to be the left-wing equivalent of something like “Truth Social”, I could understand the reluctance to adopt it.

  • I’m happy to talk chess any time.

    If you’re just starting out and looking to improve, doing a search for “chess principles” helps so much, because they teach you simple, solid play without memorization. Then, whenever you DO want to learn an opening, they make more sense, like “Oh, this one is designed to let me castle early” or “Aha, I see that every opening revolves around different ways to take control of the middle squares”

    The best way to get started is just to download either the app or the (open source) Lichess app, which are the 2 main platforms, and start playing. They have matchmaking (elo), so you’ll be paired against people around your level.

    Oh, and take advantage of the puzzles. I burn through those for fun, and I credit them as the #1 way I’ve been improving.