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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • I did 4 years on active duty and 6 months in Initial Entry Training (Basic and AIT). They’re going to yell at you, you’re going to be stressed, but unlike the movies and the TV shows, they aren’t there to break your spirit and make you a mindless drone. You’ll be yelled at for 2 reasons:

    1)You fucked up, and if you fucked up in a firefight, people could die.

    2)Someone else fucked up, and if they fucked ip in a firefight, people could die and you have to pay for it.

    Either way, your Drill Sergeants aren’t there to do anything more than teach you to be a soldier. The people that come out of the military and act like they’re unfeeling assholes were that way when they went to basic, and it’s all a show I assure you.

    Basic will be the most fun you’ll never want to have again, and honestly it’s a blast. Not once have I regretted joining and seeing what my life has become because of my time in.

    All that being said, you can refuse to train and get chaptered out, but the fastest way out of Basic is through it. You’ve got to embrace the suck, grit your teeth, and then you’ll wake up 2 and a half months later and you’ll be wearing your dress uniform and going and getting a steak with your loved ones before heading off to AIT.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask.