Honestly, appreciate you all confirming this. Makes me feel less crazy or less of the problem. I was at the point that I felt like I needed to go get tested for ADHD cause of my inability to focus on these presentations at times.
Honestly, appreciate you all confirming this. Makes me feel less crazy or less of the problem. I was at the point that I felt like I needed to go get tested for ADHD cause of my inability to focus on these presentations at times.
Thank you for responding. I think you may be on to something in that sense regarding the new developers. I think they are still so new in software dev that they probably aren’t even sure what is the most effective for them but the reason why I say they are probably learning better than I am is due to the fact that they worked (watched) him design and create business rules DLLs and standards which we didn’t have when I first created my first program (I started about 2 years before others, while the team was still brand new and we couldn’t get devs from outside to stay longer than a year).
Thank you - I appreciate the response. That is what I do but I felt like I wasn’t being very helpful in both situations because I was attempting to multitask and I am honestly terrible at it. Recently, I’ve tried to try my best to focus on the content, thinking I was struggling due to multi-tasking but I think it’s just the way he’s teaching. He is an amazing supervisor/boss so I know I can talk to him but I feel like I need to come to him with concrete suggestions before doing so. I don’t like raising problems without solutions personally. I do appreciate the thought though, maybe that is what I should revert to doing.
Which one would you suggest to review?
As a newer developer is has been amazing for me and alot of experienced developers also recognize how much benefit it provides so im honestly confused by your standpoint.
If you’re not actively using AI for a tech job then you’re leaving yourself behind. It’s look ignoring using Google.
Yeah I don’t know if the board getting ousted is good for anyone but open ai
The whole purpose of the board is to provide a safety valve. If the CEO is hiding stuff from the board then that seems like a completely legitimate reason to throw out a CEO. It’s hard to be a safety valve when the CEO is actively hiding information from the board to make the decisions they need to make.
Social media will always devolve into that. I like seeing arguments personally but when it devolves into name calling and ego stroking it gets annoying real quick
They didn’t say anything xenophobic. They may have played into the ageist stuff but it was after you tried to play “I’ve been doing since you before you were born” card, and that makes it fair game imo. You were being unnecessarily aggressive from the start of this exchange and I think they were matching your energy. This is my outside perspective but you may lash out at me too. I don’t have a dog in this fight, I’d have to do research before figuring out if either of you knows what you’re talking about.
You’re such a dick for no reason. It definitely bolsters your claims your an old school tech guy lol
Is this speculation or do you have proof they are giving products away to inflate a bubble?
They can’t live for very long. It’s why I kinda think this work is somewhat unethical - even if it brings about breakthroughs that could help millions.
lol fixed- thank you. I think you are on to something there - I don’t necessarily think he is a bad MENTOR but I don’t think he’s taught programming before so he doesn’t have a formal system for teaching us. I am wondering if there might be a way I can try to work with him to try to make what we are learning/teaching easier to digest for myself cause i am certain it would benefit the other devs.