I’ve been using Alacritty for a while. It’s fast and does everything I need.
Beto Dealmeida makes music as a one-person band called The Fishermen & the Priestess.
I’ve been using Alacritty for a while. It’s fast and does everything I need.
I like supporting small business. 🙂
Also, depending on the VPS provider, you might get a lot of sites blocked. When I ran a VPN on Digital Ocean I couldn’t access USPS, OpenAI, imgur, and couldn’t leave comments on YouTube. I assume because of too many bots running on DO.
They do that upstream, so there’s nothing you can do on your router to change that.
One solution I’ve used in the past is run hoppy.network to get a public IP (it’s basically a VPN). Then your home computer has all ports open on that IP, since everything goes through an encrypted tunnel.
Twist and Shout is not by the Beatles.
I don’t think AI would get the mirror reflection right?
Fun fact: if you search for copyrighted material in Google and they show that a link was removed due to a DMCA takedown, you can click on the DMCA link to see the original request, which includes the original URL, which is usually still up.
I did this Wednesday for my instance. Migrating the existing content took some downtime, but now everything is running great. Thanks for the tip!
Thank you for this! I’m going to give it a try.
I work on a big open source project with hundreds of committers, so quite often — I’d say a few times a week, maybe a third of my PRs.
OP said in another thread that they’ve been banned 10 times from Reddit for being “able to articulate various logical arguments against transgenderism”. 🙄
And makes the world a better place.
Friendly suggestion to use lemmy.studio if you’re planning to create those communities, we’re trying to create a themed instance focusing on music production, composition, sharing, collaboration, etc.
There’s a big conflict of interest in dating apps: if you’re successful you stop using the app, and of course the company doesn’t want that.