Sarcastic bitch with a wine problem

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2024


  • The program’s path from a CP/M app by MicroPro onward is winding, being shoved into a half-baked office suite, acquired by SoftKey, which became the Learning Company, acquired by Mattel, spun off to Houghton Mifflin Riverdeep, and is now the archival property of—well, nobody’s quite sure.

    Looking forward to the eventual frivolous takedown notice and/or lawsuit – suits seem to have absolutely zero brains when it comes to this stuff. Or, well, when it comes to anything except making themselves and their buddies on the board richer, really

  • Interesting that they released Yashin. I wonder if he got asylum from somewhere or if he’s staying in Russia? Neither NPR or The Guardian mentioned anything and I haven’t done any searching yet.

    Also, I had no idea who Whelan is so I went and read his wiki page – apparently he’s a former US Marine who got arrested in Russia over charges of espionage. Based on the article I was left with the impression that the charges seem like bullshit, but his FSB buddy thing was, well… pretty weird if nothing else. Apparently he was in Russia for the wedding of a friend who’s also a former Marine, and it somehow struck me as funny that jarheads seem to like Russia

  • Certainly not! Or other industries for that matter. It’s a good thing executives everywhere aren’t just concentrating on squeezing the maximum amount of money out of their companies and funneling it to themselves and their buddies on the board.

    Sure, let’s “rightsize” the company by firing 20% of our workforce (but not management!) and raise prices 30%, and demand that the remaining employees maintain productivity at the level it used to be before we fucked things up. Oh and no raises for the plebs, we can’t afford it. Maybe a pizza party? One slice per employee though.