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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 21st, 2023


  • but it needs to be secure and allow for anonymous transactions, and not allow for tampering with the ledger. Bitcoin has failed on all three accounts.

    Lol what? No legitimate bitcoin critics make these claims against Bitcoin. The ledger is immutable and the transactions are pseudo anonymous. In fact your typical bitcoin critic lists these as downsides (“no way to reverse mistakes” and “cannot prevent money laundering”) right after the criticisms about energy consumption.

    You legitimately have no idea what you’re talking about.

  • It has no chance of becoming a reality without the help of moderates and liberals who have made it very clear they would rather lose to MAGA than compromise with leftists and progressives.

    People have yet to acknowledge the first implications of this. If we believe the numbers of progressives and leftists are growing there will come a time when we begin winning primaries but will lose general elections consistently because moderates and liberals suddenly won’t “vote blue no matter who”. Which means fascism isn’t just a possibility, it’s guaranteed.

    If moderates and liberals don’t make different choices there’s nothing we can do.

  • We’ve had this discussion a lot in the Bitcoin space. People keep arguing it has to change so that “grandma can understand it” but I think that’s unrealistic. Every technology has some inherent complexities that cannot be removed and people have to learn if they want to use it. And people will use it if the motivation is there. Wifi has some inherent complexities people have become comfortable with. People know how to look through lists of networks, find the right one, enter the passkey or go through the sign on page. Some non-technical people know enough about how Wifi should behave to know the internet connection might be out or the route might need a reboot. None of this knowledge was commonplace 20 years ago. It is now.

    The knowledge required to leverage the benefits of cryptographic signatures isn’t beyond the reach of most people. The general rules are pretty simple. The industry just has to decide to make the necessary investments to motivate people.