We need to open source the whole government. Decentralized communism.
We need to open source the whole government. Decentralized communism.
I was thinking about the airport monitor that shows only your flight info because it can detect you and id you. And how many stores now have digital price tags on the shelves they can change remotely. Combine the 2 and you can have custom pricing per individual irl. 2 people standing next to each other in walmart be looking at the same thing and seeing different prices on the same display.
good parent.
walmart rolled this out and call it “dynamic pricing” I have known for half a decade that a VPN can yield me discounts and you get different prices by region for the same product, like an ISP. For the most part it seems simply being unknown provides the desired outcome. I don’t think any part of dynamic or surveillance pricing is designed to ever bring a price down over learning about someone.
Imagine you had a lemmy instance that every post was a proposal for regulation in your community/region. Anyone can make a post, some will gain traction and support, some will be worthless and fall off quickly. If the proposal gains enough support it then goes to a vote post where people get to make an official vote. Could be to charge $40 for a speeding ticket instead of $50, could be a trade agreement with another region.
I think this method would give people equity in the system. Maybe it could also be scored on a curve depending on how much it effects you as an individual. Maybe having advanced education on a topic means your say has more weight to it than someone without.
I was thinking of ways to move towards this and so far my best idea is to build it and run it in parrelel with what we have now. Get it functioning and trusted and simply try to roll over what we have now. I figure something tragic would need to happen to create a power void for full implementation. Like yellowstone erupting or something. I was also thinking that we need to teach the kids. We need to give them tools to build on so they can take this kind of idea to fruition.
I am just a regular idiot, so feel free to add anything constructive.