Four IS professionals lay out…
Hi guy
Four IS professionals lay out…
Entirely on my phone?
Why did my firewall ask if I wanted to allow it internet access?
I was wrong. The term is widely used - incorrectly in Canada for a lot of things.
You sent me down a rabbit hole of information regarding various types of state owned corps.
TIL a lot.
I realize now I was using the incorrect application of the term socialized. As a Canadian our healthcare and other services are labelled as such - incorrectly.
Went down a rabbit hole of the various terms after someone else said state capitalism. From nationized to state corporation to the Marxist issue with state owned corps to Einsteins opinions.
By all accounts, it definitely isn’t socialist.
Thanks for the reply
His supporters now love socialism.
Make sure you disable or properly configure webrtc. Even with a VPN it will leak your true IP address.
Check here.
The fact that brave is a baby of peter thiel is a huge no fucking way for me.
This is the song that never ends.
It goes on and on my friends.
Meanwhile, proud boys, 3pers, oathkeepers, and other actual groups that have comitted and have at their core principals actual acts of violence and terror…
Send error reports for every body of water in the unites States.
Label them all the gulf of mexico.
These are the pigeons you seek.
After her husband was brutally murdered and she had a few thousand enemy soldiers killed, to make peace Olga asked for a small tribute from each enemy household: 3 sparrows and 3 pigeons.
Now Olga gave to each soldier in her army a pigeon or a sparrow, and ordered them to attach by a thread to each pigeon and sparrow a piece of sulphur bound with small pieces of cloth. When night fell, Olga bade her soldiers release the pigeons and the sparrows. So the birds flew to their nests, the pigeons to the cotes, and the sparrows under the eaves. Thus the dove-cotes, the coops, the porches, and the haymows were set on fire. There was not a house that was not consumed, and it was impossible to extinguish the flames, because all the houses caught fire at once.
The birds flew home.
I already watched this episode.
Spoiler : they vote for the idiot / dictator and later express confusion over his the dictator lied.
You’re right, nowhere does it mention toxicity, except the entire article.
And you’re right, I am not sure there aren’t any heavy metals in my leather and fabric straps.
And you’re also correct that the stainless straps that I do have which I bought from a jeweler I am additionally uncertain about their contents aside from the manufacturers certification.
But weren’t you talking about silicone?
Congratulations on quoting the summary and skipping over
In conclusion, considering the safety of the direct application or contact by humans with siloxanes, the polycondensation reaction is preferred, due to lower contamination with low molecular weight siloxanes of cyclic structure. The literature indicates that they exhibit toxic effects, for example: cancerogenicity, modifications in proteins conformation, influence on the immune system, genotoxicity, skin irritations, intraocular pressure increase and teratogenicity
Trust the maker of that silicone strap on amazon named qxzijhnnnggqqi qzzcni all you want to produce the kind of silicone or whatever other material.
They asked about typical watch bands.
I use what I consider typical watch bands.
I don’t worry about what elastomer or poly whatever is in these other bands.
Silicone is not without risk. And products sold on amazon aren’t exactly always as marketed.
Anyway, I was commenting on typical.
If you buy a $10 “fashion watch” from the ugly shiny watch depot at your local dollar mart, odds are you’ll have wrist cancer in a month.
Only watches I own are stainless steel, with stainless, leather, or fabric straps.
Danielle Smith, premiere of Alberta, will do no such thing.
In fact, she will probably increase supply.
Her and her gov are essentially maga north.
You completely changed your post.
Everyone here knows who the troll is, troll.
Use f-droid. The apps may not always be as polished (hell, some play store apps look like they came out of 2005), but you can filter apps by anti-features such as ads, tracking, permissions, etc.
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Fossify Voice Recorder (Record anything with this Open-source and Ad-free recorder) https://f-droid.org/packages/org.fossify.voicerecorder/