Hi guy

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I don’t even know how fast I can type on a phone.

    Even with word completion I find myself hesitating between the choice of word or typing it out.

    I know it’s not near as fast as on a physical keyboard where is used to be around 90-120 wpm if I remember correctly. (Been a while since I had to do that at an employment agency)

    Anyway, it’d be fun to see a thumbs only tiktok/Snapchat typer vs a mechanical typewriter type off.

    And, tbf, most people are far from tech savvy.

    Most are consumers. Some are really good consumers. Some are power users. Some know how to do things.

    Very few actually understand it.

    But, there was a time where there was indeed a necessity if you used the tech, you had to understand it.

  • I mentioned specifically citizens of Israel.

    I specifically stated it becomes hard to separate the citizens that support it.

    I did not say I have any opinion on the people. (Same way I do not hate Russian people.)

    But, let’s say I was a Jew in Germany in 1944… Would I be prejudice for believing the Nazis and millions of citizens wanted me dead?

    It’s not prejudice, it’s reality, within the state.

    But, yes, free Palestine. Free Ukraine. Free Tibet, Taiwan. Free Myanmar. Free etc.

  • I have nothing angaint anyone, or any group, just because of their religion, ancestry, government, etc.

    However, when things like this pop up, it becomes increasing difficult to separate what the gov does and the citizens that support it. Especially with numbers like these:

    The poll indicates that an overwhelming majority of Israelis (69%) believe it was correct to carry out the recent assassinations in Beirut and Tehran

    The Maariv poll also reveals that most Israelis (57%) fear the disintegration of the social fabric in Israel following the arrest of reserve soldiers at the Sde Teiman base and, conversely, the break-ins to IDF bases by right-wing activists and Knesset members. ( the soldiers that raped/tortured all those people)


  • narcissism /när′sĭ-sĭz″əm/ noun

    1. Excessive preoccupation with or admiration of oneself. synonym: conceit. Similar: conceit

    2. A personality disorder characterized by self-preoccupation, need for admiration, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem.

    They said ‘his narcissism’ They made no diagnostic qualification.

    Ie. Displaying narcissism and being a narcissist and having a narcissistic personality disorder are all different things with different definitions which can be applied in different ways.