All thanks to Apple’s censorship of their forced App Store, which is arguably the worst thing to ever happen to computing. Zero percent joking.
All thanks to Apple’s censorship of their forced App Store, which is arguably the worst thing to ever happen to computing. Zero percent joking.
Backing up my Saved page from reddit, I found that Dall-E post from four years ago. It is buck-wild how far all of this has come… in image generators. Text still fundamentally sucks because people keep trying to use an improv partner as an oracle. And its artistic uses are of low value because text was always dead easy to crank out.
And all I though to comment was “generate nude Tayne,” about four hours before the American coup.
Their “Tip Me” system was opt-out.
In other words, they’d slap a “give this person money” button on other people’s websites, and then collect the money themselves, and even if they did send along every last cent to the actual person, that’s pretty well fucked.
They managed to piss off Tom Scott.
A thing I had not previously considered was possible.
Nvidia’s anti-competitive monopoly should be broken up over this API.
The fact AMD was visibly scared to even be associated with this project is a big fucking hint to regulators that CUDA is vendor lock-in tool which Nvidia guards at all costs.
Can’t be. Integrating Pocket fucked up something I already loved.
You can push pieces off the board?
Legitimately miss 3.5, to this day. Peak functionality.
I have been using Firefox since before it was called Firefox, and I’m not sure I’ve ever been happy after an update.
- Inconsistent icon size and texture
No! DISTINCT icon size and texture! Not a row of generic ultra-light squiggles, all the same color, conveying nothing until you look straight at them. The back button is fucking enormous because it’s obviously what you’ll use most. Stop and reload are weird and discouraging. There’s a reason all your plugins use different colors - that’s what icons are for, god dammit!
Complexity is a feature. Visible similarity conveys semantic similarity! 4.0 just took all the nested functionality and swept it behind a button.
Foobar2000 works fine.
Stop downvoting people who treat computers the way they ought to work! Needing to restart shit, with any regularity, is a flaw. Some of us are doing work, god dammit, and having to get things set up from scratch is a pain in the ass.
All the stuff I have open is open for a reason. The fact it all gradually stops working is not excused by the fact it can be unfucked by a hard reset. It’s supposed to keep working.
Because I’m doing stuff.
Stop trying to shame people for using their damn computer.
“Take stock of.”
“To make an apple pie from scratch, first you must invent the universe.”
… and for some reason, nobody’s compartmentalized the project. Even from-scratch upstarts are monolithic. What decade is it?
When software betrays you, sever.
Yeah, that guy’s not joking.
It’s not some kayfabe act. He is sincere in all of that posturing assholery.
Block and move on.
Uh huh. Like the glitch that put T_D on the front page - the entire front page.
One of those funny coincidences that keeps happening.