And the voices. “Billy…”

“You fucked the whole thing up.”

“Billy, your time is up.”

“Your time… is up.”

  • 83 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • Low level programming C

    Could be pretty much any computer


    Need a lot of memory (8-16 GB) if you are planning on dissecting any existing projects

    Machine Learning programming with Python

    Start with colab / huggingface and get a feel for what level of hardware you need for the stuff you’re doing before you start buying stuff

    If you want just a general high quality system with upgradability etc, or System76 are supposed to be good high end providers.


    Here are the main points covered in the transcript:

    • Elliott County, Kentucky has unusual voting patterns, having voted for Democrats in every presidential election for 144 years straight until 2016.
    • In 2016, Elliott County had the largest swing from Obama to Trump of any county in the US.
    • Despite voting for Trump in 2016 and 2020, Elliott County voted for Democratic Governor Andy Beshear in recent elections.
    • The county is rural, 99% white, with limited economic opportunities and a median household income that has barely changed in over 30 years.
    • Historically, Democrats were seen as the party for working class and poor people, associated with unions and FDR’s New Deal programs.
    • Over time, the Democratic Party shifted focus away from rural blue-collar voters towards white-collar suburban voters.
    • Many residents express frustration with both parties and feel abandoned by politicians.
    • Economic concerns, including stagnant wages and lack of local opportunities, are major issues for residents.
    • Immigration and border security have become top concerns for some voters, despite the county’s distance from the southern border.
    • Governor Andy Beshear won in Elliott County by focusing on local economic issues and distancing himself from the national Democratic brand.
    • Some residents recognize they have more in common with working-class immigrants than with wealthy politicians.
    • There’s a desire for working-class unity across political lines, but also a sense of grasping at any potential solution to local economic struggles.
    • The influence of money in politics and the growing wealth of billionaires are seen as problems by some residents.
    • Trump’s outsider status and promise to “drain the swamp” appealed to voters frustrated with traditional politicians.

    This summary captures the key points about Elliott County’s unique political situation, the economic challenges facing its residents, and the complex factors influencing their voting patterns.

    Emphasis is mine

    I actually think the forgotten-ness of rural voters and their jobs and ability to make a living, by both sides of the aisle, is a hugely important story that almost no one in Washington understands, and specifically vis-a-vis why Trump got so much support. I don’t fully disagree with the thesis of the video and especially as it applied to Washington 8 years ago.


    I like to talk about this explosive growth of working class wages over the last 4 years (nowhere near enough but also something worth giving credit to Biden for). I wondered if that applied also to Elliot County – I still don’t really know the answer, but I found this, and if you click back to 2020 the bars only go up to $60k and in 2022 they were going up to $95k so that tells you some level of something.

    It’s also notable that I was able to predict what the piece would say without anything to go on other than educated guessing about what it might cover.

    I would be curious to see something actually diving into how things have worked out (specifically taking Elliot County as an example) for the last few years, where that $95k actually came from, how common it is, how things worked out in 2023 and why, etc etc. Basically a real unbiased version of what this video is a somewhat blinkered form of, would be fuckin fascinating.

    This isn’t it though

  • Here’s my prediction about “More Perfect Union”, just based on the channel name and the downvotes:

    • Weirdly high production values
    • Reasons why people don’t support Harris / Democrats and you shouldn’t either
    • General leftist vibe but no particular leftist plans other than DEFINITELY NOT VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS
    • No particular affiliation with any existing leftist organization or personality, just arrived from nowhere

    I could be totally off base. That’s just my guessing prediction based on a learned level of suspicion that at this point verges on furious unfair cynical prejudice


  •*Permanently Deleted*
    24 days ago

    Imagine how embarrassing it would have been if some of these executives who’ve been so aggressive about the importance of maintaining a good public image had their spouses or children die in a totally preventable inferno, or suffocate to death. Or have a long uncontrolled descent back to hit the ocean, dying on impact, knowing the whole way down what was about to happen. Like the Challenger crew. Or, if one of these Boeing executives had had their child on one of the 737MAXes that flew itself inexorably towards the ground and no survivors because of a minor sensor failure.

    Super embarrassing, it would have been. Fuck em, the lot. Hope they have trouble with their careers.

  • Dude this is genius

    I am interested to see how it plays out but the idea of the instance admin being able to pierce the veil and investigate things that seem suspect (and being responsible for their instance not housing a ton of spam accounts just as now) seems like a perfect balance at first reading

    Edit: Hahaha now I know Rimu’s alter ego because he upvoted me. Gotcha!

  • Oh, yeah, at that point it’ll be a scalability clusterfuck. No idea what the solution is. Maybe something with persistent caches run by third parties or something? That actually would be fine, since all the actions are signed with the private key of the actor, I think.

    ActivityPub is not to me a real great designed protocol but it’s whatever. Usually the key part for social networks is the “social” part of it; the protocol or the web site can be pure shite and if people like interacting with the other people there then it’s fine. But yes, you are correct that beyond a certain point of scalability there are some dragons lurking that don’t have obvious weak spots.

  • Apparently mbin does not put Like/Dislike activities in there

    Yes. That’s what I said. I’m actually not 100% sure about it; for all I know there’s some way to get it, but AFAIK all the existing softwares don’t publish votes “after the fact”, only at the time to current subscribers. But then, of course, it’s kind of a moot point because you can just grab it from any mbin instance’s DB through the UI without needing to do anything special or any particular knowledge.

    In a world where ActivityPub is only used in server-to-server, this would be fine. If we ever get to a (IMNSHO, better) scenario where we have more clients talking AP directly, then this will not work, and mbin will have to add those as well.

    Not really. You can have your client talking to all the servers and grabbing votes for whatever you’re subscribed to, and losing votes for anything you’re not subscribed to. It works basically exactly that way for one-user instances already.

    There is no sane way to square this peg into a round hole. Privacy and “Social Media” are inherently incompatible. The advice about not putting anything online that you are not willing to ever be made public is evergreen, and anyone that does not follow it will eventually have to learn it the hard way.

    Tru dat. 100% agreed. It seems like there are all these people in this thread arguing that their votes need to be private. Their votes are not private, and will never be private, for as long as ActivityPub is what they’re using. I can see some value, maybe, to making it slightly difficult to extract the information instead of just giving it for free to everyone, but holding onto the idea of your votes being private is a gateway to unhappiness and only unhappiness.

  • It’s not quite that simple. As far as I’m aware, it’s difficult to fetch from another instance “after the fact” what all the votes are for a particular user or comment; you have to be signed up to receive updates on it, and then after the fact you can go hunting around in your own instance’s DB and see what all the votes were (or your UI can do it, if it’s supported).

    But, yes, there are instance softwares that will do it, and no one’s defederating from every one of those instances (nor I think should they). Someone posted a link to an mbin instance breaking down the votes for this post. Votes are not private.