I was worried for a second, thought maybe something happened to the channel “That Chapter” on YouTube. Like oh dear God not another scandal, and I thought Mike was one of the good ones.
I was worried for a second, thought maybe something happened to the channel “That Chapter” on YouTube. Like oh dear God not another scandal, and I thought Mike was one of the good ones.
Because of interest rates hikes, companies like Spotify have to focuses on more trivial matters like being profitable. 17% lay off seems like a lot. I wonder if they will go bankrupt?
So let me make sure I’m reading this right. They let the deal go through because Microsoft gave Ubisoft the cloud streaming right to activation for the next 15 years. The argument being this deal will stop Microsoft from becoming a monopoly due to cloud gamings speculative importance in markets future.
Call me crazy but cloud gamings gonna take at least 15 years to be an important part of the market if it ever gets there in the first place. I can’t tell if regulators are stupid or wholly corrupt.
Anytime a tech bro uses the word disrupt I think they are either completely full of shit or actively trying to destroy society as we know it.
I don’t think SBF has enough criminal allegations to be president. He hasn’t even grabbed someone by the pussy.
Wow buddy let’s not insult cretins by comparing them to twitch streamers.
I want to live long enough to see society deteriorate into nothing more than a roaming band of cannibalistic motorcycle mutants.
Even mindless and repetitive tasks require instances of problem solving far beyond what a.i is capable of. In order to replace 41% of the work force you’ll need a.g.i and we don’t know if thats even possible.