Fair. I do this even when I’m not working though too tbh lol.
Fair. I do this even when I’m not working though too tbh lol.
Also corporations steal our livelihood and don’t give a shit about you, so don’t feel that guilty about wasting some of their time. I get it, I get the same way but I have to remind myself of this fact.
I never go on YouTube or social sites on my work laptop. I either convince myself my work can see that shit or it’s probably actually true. So if I want to use those sites my option is my phone or my own laptop. The solution is simple then. Just lock them up or put them elsewhere. There is nothing on YouTube or social media you need for work that you can’t find on a regular text based webpage.
The pomodoro method works well too. You only have to focus for 25 minute blocks, then you have some 5 minute breaks in between.
They’re just trying to scare the Americans out of the office so they can replace them with cheaper H1Bs who won’t talk back.