The companies doing the advertising are totally fine with it because it creates fake peer pressure and gives potential customers a fear of missing out on what’s trending. Astroturfing is fine as long as it serves the will of the wealthy.
The companies doing the advertising are totally fine with it because it creates fake peer pressure and gives potential customers a fear of missing out on what’s trending. Astroturfing is fine as long as it serves the will of the wealthy.
This is precisely what it is
Have you ever tried just not having swap? Maybe don’t have a swap partition and see what results you get. I think there’s even a command that turns your swap completely off, too. Google “swapoff”. Good luck my friend.
There needs to be a tech workers union. The abuse from employers needs to end. Especially the endless free overtime.
This is definitely progress, but we need to keep in mind that the particular language a person speaks can significantly influence how a person’s brain works.
I think you’re completely right. Information warfare is something new to a lot of people. I’ve been following a very credible, insightful teacher about this topic on YouTube, by the name of Ryan McBeth. I highly suggest everyone checks out his channel. He’s retired US infantry, but a current intelligence analyst and content creator who is VERY good at what he does. He’s taught me a lot about misinformation and disinformation, how it’s used, how to spot it, and how to fight it, and showing example of how governments and businesses are using it. Truly someone worth your ear.