Just a reminder of a couple of things here. And to say that I’d forgotten myself.
Red Hat was acquired by IBM.
IBM has had increasingly questionable business practices over the years (ref: The Decline And Fall Of IBM.
The old saying “Nobody got fired for buying IBM” is an old saying that meant something at some point; whether it still does is another matter. Read the link above to get the full picture. (As someone that used to do support work for HP, a lot of the sales-centric, don’t-spend-money-on-the-tech-folks mindset resonated with me.)
People (myself included) aren’t happy with Red Hat’s proclamation. As an individual, I can’t do much other than to watch how this plays out and give my team and management the heads-up, and monitor.
Jeff Geerling weighed in on this yesterday and had a quick additional thought just a few mins ago.
looks around But you said that, right? Looked them right in their eyeholes and said it?