
  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Basically, they want their cake and to eat it too.
    I remember a few years they were crying because Facebook was stealing their traffic, people didn’t go to the websites to read the news, so they didn’t click ads. Facebook was basically stealing their money!!!

    The problem is that this view is shortsighted, because with these new laws you talk about, people still don’t go to news websites, and in fact get their news from alternative sources (and most of them, not good).
    So now they are crying, again, but for the opposite reason.

  • I think I use too many on Firefox ahahah

    Ads and privacy
    UBlock Origin (AdBlocker)
    Privacy Badger (Blocks some trackers)
    ClearURLs (removes tracking elements from URLs)
    DeleteNonio (in my country, all newspapers are trying to force you to sign up for this service with an annoying popup)
    Don’t Track me Google (removes tracking from Google search result links) (search engine)
    Firefox Multi-Account containers/Facebook Container (so cookies cannot be accessed between all sites freely)

    Old Reddit Redirect (I really don’t want the new design)
    Reddit Enhancement Suite (nice features to have)
    LeechBlock NG (to block Reddit during the blackout. See you next week…maybe)

    Enhancer for YouTube (some QoL features)
    SponsorBlock for YouTube (skip sponsor parts in videos)
    YouTube Auto Like (auto likes the videos you watch, depending on what you decide in the settings)
    Youtube NonStop (no more “Video Paused. Continue Watching?”)

    Rikaichamp (translate Japanese on hover)
    Augmented Steam (to check prices between stores, mostly)
    Dark Reader (turn dark mode for select websites)
    Firefox Translations (website translation, like Chrome and Edge have)
    LanguageTool (to help me write fewer mistakes)
    Metrification (convert imperial to metric on the fly)
    Tampermonkey (to add some useful scripts to sites you want)

    Firefox Color (to customize the theme)
    Tabliss (new tab page)
    Wide Github (change repos to be full width)
    Stylus (add custom CSS to sites you want)