• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Foolish me for thinking no-one could possibly need an /s on that comment.

    I got the sarcasm, but this particular point is – as you’ve demonstrated very clearly in your response – the actual message you’re trying to push.

    Or did you not know that highly addictive amphetamines is a commonly prescribed for ADHD?

    You’re using “highly addictive” to insinuate that this is just a ludicrous and fundamentally flawed practice. No concern towards all of those who do have ADHD who report that medication has helped them live a life otherwise inaccessible to them. It’s highly stigmatizing framing and just because you have a valid point about opioids does not mean you get to dismiss genuine mental health struggles as having fallen prey to a marketing scheme.

  • to stay informed but also grounded

    Yes thank you! That’s exactly what I mean.

    I think even just a more grounded comment section would be enough for me. I only really look at comments to get different perspectives on what’s happening, but I rarely find actual contextualized discussion, instead usually there’s just highly upvoted fearmongering and making jokes about the world ending. It would be nice if there was a place where the top response is more like “here’s what this means / here’s what this doesn’t mean”.

  • I generally like to know what’s going on in the world, it’s just this particular topic where I struggle with how it’s portrayed in media. It’s also not been on my mind a lot recently but with today’s news I just thought I would seek out some other perspective to put these new events into context. I’ve also gotten a lot better over time at not letting it get to me, but I guess in your mind I have to be completely unfazed by everything before I can come back online.

    I will not stop occasionally checking the news as I do now, because I do not want to completely isolate myself and become politically apathetic. Nevermind that you are in no place to tell me how often I do and should read them.

    I’m not sure why you immediately jumped to calling me a “junkie”, but I suspect that if that is how you feel the need to respond to my message, you aren’t in a very good place either. Maybe you should take your own advice and step away from the internet for a while.