• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Sadly the scene for this subgenre isn’t exactly big enough for touring and shows (yet, fingers crossed!). But yes, I finish my mix and send it in for them to handle mastering, artwork, distribution, and marketing within their own channels. They will provide the marketing packet with artwork, etc. a week or two before release so I can share on my own artist pages as well :)

  • No apologies needed! It’s not much and it depends on your audience as well as your label. I’m lucky where the labels I work with split 50/50 with the artist. However, that split comes after the distribution take. With my current numbers, I probably get paid out $100-150 each year. As your catalogue grows and your streams get higher, that does grow significantly with time.

  • Oh I love these!

    1: Learning experience was VERY slow. I still feel like I’m playing catch-up, but I can be proud of what I put out now. DAWs have a very steep learning curve, then it flattens out for a bit, then gets steep again as you start to realise just how little you know!

    2: I have had no musical training whatsoever, so it took 6+ years of playing around and teaching myself through experimentation to get a track signed.

    3: Most important thing, and something I still struggle with, is to focus on the music. It may sound silly, but when you’re a producer, you’re doing everything from start to finish. So it’s easy to get caught up in the production, in the technicals, or even in trying to get a specific style down — sometimes you have to step away and listen after a week so you can go “oh this is actually musically interesting”.

    4: Most recent is taking advantage of macros and modulation to give sounds character and slight imperfections, such as a randomised LFO on a cutoff filter that changes the texture slightly throughout :)

  • This answer is a bit more specific to what program I started with (FL Studio) — but organisation! Colour coding, naming, etc.

    Another one I’m still learning and struggling with is not to sit on songs. I have 20+ 90% done ideas that I should finish and get out. Sometimes waiting for that ‘spark’ to come back is detrimental. Trust your talent and finish it.

  • For me it was definitely a big deal when it first happened! I was working alongside artists I listened to for years. However, these aren’t massive corporate labels, so I have the freedom to contract one song or EP to a label, and one to another, etc.

    All of my stuff can be found under my name on basically all platforms :) Not sure if links in comments are allowed.