Fedora Silverblue has some issues: They use their own flatpak repo, which only includes packages that satisfy Fedora’s free software guidelines.
In practice this means that the Firefox it comes with doesn’t have the necessary codecs to stream porn video on all streaming sites smoothly.
When you add the flathub repo, you now have a selector for all packages available in both where you have to choose if you want the Fedora or the Flathub version. This would be confusing for your grandparents. Also, when I tried it, it was buggier than I’m used to. Sometimes the software center locked up, or failed to install things on the first try, or update.
Even the entire system locked up sometimes, which really shouldn’t happen on an atomic distro at all.
You need the Flatpak buff. It allows you to avoid the 4 turn wait time.
But it reduces your initiative by 4 in the first combat round, and doubles the weight of all enhanced items.