At first it was all about presenting data in an original looking way. In the end it was about pushing political ideas in your throat using a plain bar graph. It was not about sharing something interesting you found but about taking advantage of a captive audience.
What happened to antiwork was fantastic. It was created by someone who was lazy and did not wanted to work. Then it got co-opted by people who wanted to work. Finally he was kicked as a mod for sticking to the name and spirit of his sub. He had his cosy sub and he was invaded by workers.
How can you seriously claim to be pro-work but follow the banner of someone who claimed long ago to be antiwork? Why were they all shocked? Just read the sign, antiwork, it’s the name!! Don’t you listen to the people you chose to follow?
watches the TV –> “Ho no, our leader is antiwork!”
Just create your own thing.
I already elaborated enough on this from my own perspective, so instead I‘ll use this next laziness dig to conform to this view of me and lazily quote something random I like:
I am supremely glad you’re on the Fediverse talking about these things in such an honest and eloquent way. Thank you, and followed.
Oh wow nobody ever followed me before, I’m not sure if that will be a great experience for you, cause I sometimes post kinda random or darker thoughts and then get embarrassed and delete it after a few minutes.
Anyway if you liked those comments specifically, I get a lot of it from reading various texts on here:
There is a LOT though, but sorting by popular or choosing certain tags that appeal gives some good stuff to read.