• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Well I expected this once I heard he had signed the NDA and already stopped using Mastodon, though I might look for another instance which doesn‘t federate with Meta later on.

    Whatever floats their boat I guess, while I appreciate the attempt at an answer of whether they will use EEE, I don‘t think it was a satisfying answer, cause specifically others this happened to before did not end up “the same”, but worse, as users abandoned them after the bigger thing started introducing interoperability issues and features which made switching logical.

  • Yeah I feel you, it‘s like the “rich person at a carnival” parable:

    Entrepreneurship is like one of those carnival games where you throw darts or something.
    Middle class kids can afford one throw. Most miss. A few hit the target and get a small prize. A very few hit the center bullseye and get a bigger prize. Rags to riches! The American Dream lives on.
    Rich kids can afford many throws. If they want to, they can try over and over and over again until they hit something and feel good about themselves. Some keep going until they hit the center bullseye, then they give speeches or write blog posts about “meritocracy” and the salutary effects of hard work.
    Poor kids aren’t visiting the carnival. They’re the ones working it.

    Maybe this is just a miss. I tend to see plans or conspiracy sometimes, when it could just be incompetence.

  • Like any other company, they are trying to make more money. Since inflation is high, the amount they want to “stay ahead of the competition” (and feed the pockets of investors or owners) is higher too. Productive companies like the one I work at do this by “making more with less”, so less labour (layoffs, hiring freeze) and higher prices typically.

    With the products of social media companies being people and the price they are willing to pay being somewhat low and elastic (not necessary for life like say food and housing so easy to drop), they have to enshittify it in various ways to press more profit out of the products in less direct ways than price increases.

    We‘ll see if ultimately this aggressive business model works out for them, I personally hope it doesn‘t.

  • If she actually gets convicted of that, it might be another one of these events that seems insignificant on it‘s own, but could have repercussions in hindsight.

    Similar to those two self-immolations in the US due to climate change, the loss of these people stuck with me and we‘re not even in the same continent. I can‘t imagine how the relatives and friends feel.

    There is a lot of climate anxiety and fear around, and these sorts of repressive actions, or even the inactions following desperate moves, serve to strengthen these feelings.

    Wish the best for this woman, some people say or think things like “old people (boomers) don’t care” etc. and I admit I did too, but she proved it wrong, the climate concerns everyone.

  • I already elaborated enough on this from my own perspective, so instead I‘ll use this next laziness dig to conform to this view of me and lazily quote something random I like:

    This struggle, for a world of free association and play, has been placed under the banner of antiwork and anarchy. Personally, I’m fond of post-work, because I think it better encapsulates my desire to both oppose and propose, to move against and beyond this detour, this phase of destruction called work, but the term antiwork does what it needs to do too. There have been attempts to co-opt and defang this liberatory project, but despite the recent online drama, this struggle is older than the Internet, and it will continue unabated, because I believe the impulse to be free is one of the defining attributes of the human experience, and this system is fundamentally unfree. Once liberated from the shackles of employment, people will be free to sloth and to slack, but also to do and to act. Humans are verbing creatures. We should fight for a world where we can verb to fulfil our needs and express ourselves instead of line pockets and destroy the Earth. All power to all the people.


  • It‘s ok, I struggle with that too, for some things people ask me when I bring this up I have an answer, for others I don‘t. I guess it‘s as if you asked a tribal hunter/gatherer person to imagine a world where all of the food is delivered to them in a store, they couldn‘t imagine it and if they try they‘d get a lot of it wrong.

    I do think as automation gets rid of more and more production labor and the majority are pushed into service labor or bullshit jobs, it becomes more important that people at the losing side of that equation try to imagine it differently though, cause I don‘t think those at the top will and otherwise… well my username says it, I feel like I‘m caught in a storm of massive proportions trying to tell it to please stop, slow down, and look at what we could all do if we changed this or that. I keep coming back to the open source though, cause it‘s what I work on sometimes in my free time and has shown me what people can accomplish even in absence of a profit motive.

    So roughly I imagine it like this: voluntary organisations replacing involuntary ones and a shared purpose to get rid of unpleasant and unnecessary work and for the results to be shared with their community. I think luxuries would be less abundant, but we could manage to make what we need and perhaps we‘d value more the things someone does make for us voluntarily.