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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • It’s a time saver for sure. My husband and I use it a lot though over the past 2 months we’ve made conscious efforts to cook at home more for both money saving (it’s fucking expensive) and to reduce our calorie intake.

    That being said, it’s really nice to just press a quick button, and then start sweeping, doing laundry, vacuuming, taking out the trash, etc, and then food just shows up that can now be conveniently cleaned up quickly as well.

    Cooking yourself not only takes away time from the other chores kicking them to getting done later, but also now adds chores as well with the dishes.

    I reason that something has to give between work, fitness, chores, schooling, sleep, and downtime. So far it’s been my sleep, but I don’t feel guilty using food delivery services to get some gaming/social time back in as well.

  • Yeah, it sucks too. A couple years ago I was trying to get out of a Sirius Satellite subscription I had opted into during the height of the rony 'rona.

    Instead of sitting on the phone with CSRs for hours on end while they pass me around and offer me incentives to stay, I thought I’d be smart and report that my credit card was lost. (At the time you couldn’t disenroll online, that changed I happily found out a few months ago)

    Joke was on me though. Sirius updated my new card info, and I was without a credit card for ~8 days.